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Contact info


Street address

OK-Vise Oy
Olli Kytölän tie 6
FI-40950 Muurame

VAT-nr (company ID) FI 05596034


Primary email:  ok-vise@ok-vise.com

Technical support: support@ok-vise.com


tel. +358 207 790 699

Monday-Friday 9:00 am – 5:00 pm, Helsinki (UTC+3)


OK Vise 49
OK Vise 48
OK Vise 46

Juho Kytölä

Managing Director

tel. +358 440 315 970

Olavi Meriläinen

Sales Manager 

tel. +358 503 315 290

Jyri Salminen

Development and Sales Engineering

tel. +358 407 693 662

OK Vise 47
OK Vise 45

Pasi Poikonen

R&D Engineer

tel. +358 409 656 282

Janne Tuunanen

Production Manager

tel. +358 405 960 245

OK Vise 48

Olavi Meriläinen

Sales Manager

tel. +358 503 315 290

OK Vise 46

Jyri Salminen

Development and Sales Engineering

tel. +358 407 693 662

OK Vise 49

Juho Kytölä

Managing Director

tel. +358 440 315 970

OK Vise 47

Pasi Poikonen

R&D Engineer

tel. +358 409 656 282

OK Vise 45

Janne Tuunanen

Production Manager

tel. +358 405 960 245

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